Now Hiring at Flying Pig Designs

Flying Pig Designs is now hiring for several positions right now! We’re looking for experienced, enthusiastic engineers, regulatory and quality specialists, lab technicians, and more. See below for our current job openings. If you aren’t the right fit but...
Moving Month for Flying Pig Designs!

Moving Month for Flying Pig Designs!

At Flying Pig Designs, our team is small, but business is booming — and that means it’s time to get moving! Yes, you heard us correctly. We are moving to a new space by the end of 2021, and we want to keep you in the loop! From demolition and decoration to...
New Office Space for Flying Pig Designs!

New Office Space for Flying Pig Designs!

Flying Pig Designs LLC recently expanded!  In September 2018, FPD set up shop at Confluence Small Business Collective, the first coworking space in Lafayette, Colorado. Throughout the end of 2018 and 2019, Flying Pig Designs continued to grow in the 600 sqft...